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Social Emotional Learning

At Skyview, we believe in educating the whole child. This means we not only teach the academic skills our students will need in the future, but also the social and emotional skills they will need to be good friends, good employees, good neighbors, and good people who help to make our world a better place. All students will have the opportunity to learn social emotional skills through weekly Second Step lessons, which includes a Bully Proofing curriculum. The teachers at Skyview also work to incorporate the skills developed in these lessons throughout the week. We invite you to participate in the social emotional learning by checking this webpage for what we're working on, by completing the Second Step Home Links with your children, and by accessing the family resources for your child's grade level(s). 

There are many other resources available to students and families that will be posted here to support the social-emotional wellness of your family. Please check back frequently resources will be updated regularly.  

Family Resource Room

Our social workers and social emotional learning specialist created a virtual resource room for families to access to support your child(ren) at home. You will find a variety of resources including videos about breathing, calming, and emotion regulation techniques and how to use them with your kids, mindfulness and gratitude activities you can do as a family, videos about topics that will help you support your child, self-care activities for the family, and other resources parents. Check back frequently as new resources will be added regularly. You can access the Family Resource Room by clicking on the link under the picture.

Family Resource Room