About us
Our Vision:
Skyview aspires to develop the whole child: healthy, productive, critical thinkers of the 21st century.
Points of Pride:
- Skyview has received the Colorado Governor's Distinguished Improvement Award (schools that demonstrate exceptional student growth) for the 2017, 2018, AND the 2022 school year. https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeawards/distinguishedimprovement
- Skyview offers many learning opportunities beyond our high achieving classrooms.
- Our librarian is the only Nationally Board Certified librarian in the district.
- Skyview supports the whole child. We utilize PBiS (Positive Behavior Support), Restorative Practices and Social Emotional Curriculum (Second Step).
- Our Structured Learning Services (SLS) program, helps SVE celebrate diversity by valuing each students’ unique contributions to the learning experience and promoting valued roles for all students within our school community.
- Our school offers BASE, the Before, After School and Summer Enrichment Program. BASE is designed to provide safe, quality, and affordable group childcare in the school setting.
- We have a safe, clean building, maker space and gymnasium.
- We have successful and established Music, Arts, and P.E. programs, including adaptive programs to support all learners.
- There are countless opportunities for parents to volunteer, using their knowledge and talents to help both students and staff.