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Skyview builds sense of belonging with new process

  • Empower
  • Focus on Students
Skyview builds sense of belonging with new process

Last August, Skyview Elementary Schools entire staff was trained to use the Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes. Our journey towards Capturing Kids’ Hearts has been enlightening and impactful in all respects. Capturing Kids Hearts fostered an environment of care, positivity and strong academic and social growth. For our new teachers, Capturing Kids’ Hearts helped provide a solid foundation for them to build on and help ensure better success all around.

Since introducing the Capturing Kids Hearts processes we have seen some dramatic improvements in our school and how students and teachers describe their overall experience. Data from our Panorama student and staff survey supported these observations. Our students sense of belonging increased 10% putting us in the 99th percentile in the district. This tells us our students feel a sense of belonging at Skyview. Also, students growth mindset increased by 20% putting us again in the 99th percentile in the district. Every category of our Panorama survey was in the 99th percentile, showing the impact of Capturing Kids Hearts.

Capturing Kids Hearts has increased our academic performance and growth, deepened empathy and social responsibility, and created an environment where teachers, students and staff love to be. We have captured the hearts and minds of our students. Skyview Elementary School is the best place to be!

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: World-Class Staff. Sharing stories about how staff is compensated, supported and trained to foster student success and family partnerships.

  • Skyview Elementary