Chromebook Care
Our chromebooks are valuable tools for learning.
Please review this document and the videos below to keep them in the best working order.
How to perform troubleshooting and fixes on Chromebooks in English and Spanish
Some biggies we have discovered.
- Make SURE your kids are completely powering down at the end of the day NOT just shutting the lid! If it doesn't power off it will not get the updates.
- Double check that they are using the links within the Dashboard and not creating shortcuts. I've seen numerous times where they will get impatient for the Dashboard to load so just shortcut it. This will create issues.
- If they put in the password wrong more than a few times, it will lock them out for 20 minutes if they don't try again during that time period. If help is not available to unlock, have them be patient, wait 20 min and try again. They can also call 720-972-4118 if no one from the school is available to help for immediate unlock. Passwords don't "stop working" typically. 99% of the time it is a user error.
As a last resort PowerWashing directions
Written Directions for Logging Into Your Account ------- Spanish Version
If you don't know your child's USERNAME (this will be provided on Back to School night) or PASSWORD for logging into the student PORTAL, please click on this FORM and we can get you that information. Please allow 24 hours. If you need it faster use the help desk information below.
All students in grades PS, K-1 have the default password: asdf1234 and will need to set a picture password.
ALL students in grades 2-5 have a new set password. Your teacher will give it to you or contact your teacher to learn what it is. Please write it down on your password card.
The Adams 12 Information Technology department has several options available to parents and students to provide technical support during remote learning. If you need technical assistance, please reach out using one of the following methods:
- Send an email to
- Visit to read FAQs or submit a service request
- Leave a voicemail at 720-972-4118
For each option above, please provide as much information as possible to help us respond to your request; including your student name and school, a phone number or email that can be used to contact you, and a complete description of the problem you are experiencing.
El departamento de Tecnología Informativa de Adams 12 tiene varias opciones disponibles para apoyo tecnológico para los padres y estudiantes durante el aprendizaje a distancia. Si necesita ayuda tecnológica, por favor comuníquese con nosotros usando uno de los siguientes métodos:
- Envíe un email a
- Visite para ver preguntas y respuestas más frecuentes o para enviar una solicitud de servicio
- Deje un mensaje de voz llamando al 720-972-4118
Para cada opción mencionada arriba, por favor incluya tanta información como pueda, esto nos ayudará a responder su solicitud. Incluya el nombre de su hijo, el nombre de la escuela, un número de teléfono o dirección de email para comunicarnos con usted, e incluya una descripción completa del problema que está teniendo.
Your child's email address is the first letter of their first name, the first three letters of their last name, the day they were born without the leading zero if applicable and the last 4 digits of their student ID/username number. (ie. Jane Smith born 3/9/2019 with the student ID # of 3012345 would have an email of